Monday, October 12, 2009

Necessity - The Mother Of Invention

I find that some of the most rewarding projects I take on are often the smallest...and also fill some need in day-to-day life. Have a problem? Craft something to solve it. It makes me feel very accomplished when I can fill a need with my ability to craft. This week as provided several such occasions.

First, a "half belt". I like to dress my daughter in jeans. They look good on her, them fit the glimmer of personality I am starting to see, and the have the added benefit of knee-protection. For Bear's recent birthday she was gifted some great jeans from her grandmother, however, one of the pairs was rather big. I try to purchase things big because I want her clothes to last. It's easy enough to roll up the cuffs on a pair of pants, but sagging in the back remains a problem. This particular pair kept falling down to the point of coming complete off the child! So, enter the crafty-mama-mentality.

I had 3/4 inch elastic, poly resin snaps, and plenty of fabric so I decided to make a short elasticized "belt" to attach to the rear belt loops on her pants. Instant elastic waste without defacing the jeans! Plus, I can use it for other pairs if need be. If I did it again I think it would benefit from wider elastic, but it still does the job.

Next came the need for some leggings. The weather here in Virginia is starting to cool off a bit, though it's definitely not cold by any means. It's nice fall weather, the sort that makes you throw on a hoodie and wear socks. I, like a lot of mamas out there, love Babylegs. Not only are the absolutely adorable, but they extend the life of Bear's dresses beyond the summer. The downside being that name brand Babylegs are $12 a pair! Target has their own version of baby leg warmers for a much more reasonable $3...but the color and pattern choices are limited. Plus, from what I've seen, they only carry them in "girl colors". Not really my cup o' tea. So, I made my own.

These have to be one of the simplist DIY projects a thrifty mama can take on. Check out the tutorial here. I looked through my sock drawer and found a black and white striped pair I rarely wear and also purchased 3 other pair at Target for $2 a pair. A great deal! Plus the added bonus of having way more color choices! They sewed up in a flash, so now Bear has plenty of warm legs to wear throughout the fall.

I also finished some diapers. Finally. Seriously, I started them while my mother-in-law of visiting and I'm just now getting them serged and snapped! Ugh, terrible! They do make a pretty picture though.


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