Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Busy Week of Crafting

My creative juices have been flowing a bit better since I moved my sewing cabinets and set up my Sewing Area. It has been very helpful to have everything together in mostly one place (with a few exceptions). I still have yet to purchase a cork board to put over my desk (and paint for it as well) and I also have to move some pictures/posters and put up a flannel board over my cutting/ironing area (which are used to lay out quilt blocks - the pieces stick to the flannel)

As mentioned in the last post: I put together a quick Babywearing Bag. My slings/wraps don't have pockets (although they can be added) so this little bag can be attached around the knots/rings so I have a place to keep my debit card, keys, phone, etc. There are poly resin snaps on the strap so I can loop it through whatever I need to. It's a very handy little thing...I got the idea after making a bag to keep clothes-pins it. Same construction for the most part. Because of the snaps you can hook it onto the line and pull it along with you as you hang stuff. Very handy for either jobs. This one was pieced together from six 5inch squares from a batik charm-pack I've had for ages.

Next, my attempt at baby shoes...sorta success. Sorta failure. I'm having a difficult time getting the right fit on my child...so while these shoes came out well, the puzzle shoes are too easy for her to get off and the striped ones are a little too tight around the ankles. Argh! I got tired of wasting fabric under pressure so I purchased her a pair of leather ones over the weekend. I will attempt shoes again...but in the mean time at least my little walker will have something to put on her feet.

My most pressing project at the moment is my daughter's baby quilt. I started it while I was pregnant...but lost momentum at the last minute...so here comes her 1st birthday in under 2 weeks. Ugh. Thankfully I'm doing this one a bit different from the other baby quilts I've done in the past. I'm not going to back it in flannel or use batting between the layers becuase Bear is hot-natured and I don't want her to boil using it. I'm also going to tie it instead of my usual hand quilting. It shouldn't take that long as a result, but it will still require opportunity as well as a run to the fabric store. Sadly my fabric stash is not so impressive that I have everything I need on hand for any project. To purchase this week: soft cotton woven for backing, flannel to act as the batting, silky blanket binding, curved needles, and thread. The photo is 2 of the 5 pieced blocks in the quilt.

Then I have a few random projects floating around. I have a lion washrag almost finished and a stack of 5inch batiks in rainbow colors that are just itching to be turned into a bag like the one I recently made for my aunt.
And then one for the road: Bear seems to dig the Sewing Area too...though I imagine the location of her toys in that corner helps.


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